The Jackal

The Jackal sits across my feet

Sleek and black and warming

When I move, he moves 

When I rise, he rises

When I walk, he walks.

Padding softly just before me

softly panting, a

breath of carrion that


disturbs my equilibrium.


His paws leave no trace

on carpet, mud, or sand,

but I know he is always there

my ebony companion.

Looking down I see

his sleek dark back

Sinuous and silent 

Like a coal black river that 

flows before me

dragging me behind

He stalks an unknown prey,
greedy teeth savage in

the street light, each bulb

a solitary oasis

surrounded by the dark.

Follow me, he whispers

follow me down into the ground

you will be welcome in my kingdom

there are riches there and 

many Jackals to attend you

A throne awaits and you shall be

a Lord in my kingdom 

In the Kingdom of the Jackal.

I know he lies but I love him still

my only true companion.